What is RSV?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a very common virus. Almost all children get RSV at least once before they are 2 years old.1,2
Children born at less than 37 weeks of pregnancy or with lung or heart conditions may be more at risk.3
Keeping your baby healthy takes teamwork. Speak to your doctor to find out more about RSV.
Is my baby at risk for a serious infection?
How can I protect my child during RSV season?
Ready to learn more?
How does RSV spread?
RSV is spread easily through sneezing, coughing, or by touching something that might have the virus on it.

Sneezing or coughing
RSV can be spread from person to person by sneezing or coughing

Person-to-person contact
Person-to-person contact, such as kissing or sharing cups/eating utensils

Unwashed hands
RSV can survive 30 minutes or more on unwashed hands

Objects or surfaces
RSV can survive up to 6 hours on surfaces such as toys, keyboards, or doorknobs

Preterm Baby, Warrior Child and Three Times RSV Survivor
Up until 23 weeks into her pregnancy Nicolle was healthy and everything was on track. But all that changed when she developed meningitis and encephalitis. Things went downhill fast. Nicolle became incredibly ill and ended up in hospital in a coma for a few days. Her husband was counselled that if she woke up, she was likely to have brain damage and there was little chance of the pregnancy continuing.
References: 1. Jones A. RSV: when it’s more than just a cold. HealthyChildren.org. Updated November 4, 2019. Accessed June 22, 2020. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/chest-lungs/Pages/RSV-When-Its-More-Than-Just-a-Cold.aspx 2. Piedimonte G, Perez MK. Respiratory syncytial virus infection and bronchiolitis. Pediatr Rev. 2014;35(12):519-530. doi:10.1542/pir.35-12-519 3. Goldstein M, Phillips R, DeVincenzo JP, et al. National Perinatal Association 2018 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Prevention Clinical Practice Guideline: an evidence-based interdisciplinary collaboration. Neonatology Today. 2017;12:1-27.